More Shuttuppery – An Anti-Censorship Play Gets Censored

Dave is a smart guy and an excellent writer.

The Artisan Craft Blog -- Dave Alexander & Company with David Edgren and Gus Bailey

Sometimes you can see these things coming.  Who really thought that the monologue entitled “Mohammed Gets a Boner” would really ever open?  The piece took on the subject of when it is appropriate to offend religious groups.  Greenwich Village artsies can sit home with their DVD’s of “Monty Python’s Life of Brian,”   which is something completely different.

Anti-Censorship Showcase Will Go On As Neil LaBute Pulls Play

Also in the news, a Duke Professor said something controversial about race and then was put on leave.  Other than being inelegant, I can’t find anything that bad in what he said.  He’s a white guy talking about race, and he mentions his workplace, so yes.  He should have known he was on very thin ice.  Note to self: NeverFeatured image use the phrase “the blacks.”

Not mentioned in that article was a part of the comment which noted that Asian-Americans have very American sounding…

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“I’ll talk about anything I want, Schmalfeldt.” — Dave Alexander

This bears repeating. Schmalfeldt hasn’t threatened me, not that I’ve noticed, but he has whined at me that he has done me no personal wrong. Surprise! I don’t give a shit. He’s a stupid, nasty person who offends me with his harassment of others, and I choose to act on my annoyance by speaking up, rather than ignore him just because he is unable to target me.

The Artisan Craft Blog -- Dave Alexander & Company with David Edgren and Gus Bailey

head down

Bill Schmalfeldt is a pest.  He put my picture on Twitter, mentioned my Chapter 13 filing, and even threatened my employment.  Today I mentioned that he might need to take a road trip to North Carolina about a Peace Order.  He’s all sad about that.  Mostly he wants me to keep my head down.

Schmalfeldt has been hinting about contacting my employer to inform them that I am harassing him on their time and/or computers.  Now he says a judge could sign a subpoena to compel a search of my work computers.   I’m not so sure my work really needs a suboena to search their own computers.  In fact, every time I talk with them about this, they say how much they are concerned with my safety.  Because they did the one thing I always suggest:  They Googled Bill Schmalfeldt.

I don’t harass. I don’t ever contact Bill Schmalfeldt…

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